Fake: Separatists’ Military Hardware Are Spoils of War

StopFake has already debunked Russian claims that weapons in the occupied Donbas territories are spoils of war that Russian separatists took from the Ukrainian military. These fake claims have resurfaced again, this time seemingly supported by a 2014 report on the seizure of equipment by militants submitted by a Ukrainian Army colonel named V.M. Pushenko. The report however, is a complete fake. Website screenshot cyber-berkut.ru Quickly republished by Russian bloggers and media, the fake report is being presented as proof of origin for much of the military equipment held by the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. The fake was first published by Cyber Berkut a hacker group that claims its goal is to “help Ukraine preserve its independence from western military aggression supporting the neo-fascist government”. The “scoops” that this disinformation site publishes have been repeatedly refuted by StopFake and other fact checking organizations. Website screenshot cyber

Kilde: Fake: Separatists’ Military Hardware Are Spoils of War