Fake: Luhansk Facing Environmental Disaster Because Of Ukrainian Military Deforestation

The so-called Luhansk People’s Republic, one of the self-proclaimed separatist entities in eastern Ukraine is disseminating fakes claiming that Ukrainian military are illegally logging the area’s forests, thereby setting the region on a toward an environmental catastrophe. Other Russian sites such as the pro-Kremlin Ukraina.ru quickly picked up this latest disinformation yarn. Website screenshot ukraina.ru Website screenshot lug-info.com As the fake story tells it, satellite photos available in the public domain show that those regions where the Ukrainian military are deployed deforestation is going on both in small areas and also in tracts as large as thousands of hectares. Informburo DNR, the Federal News Agency   and Armia Narodnogo Osvobozhdenia, among others, reprinted this fake claim. Website screenshot helsinki.org.ua According to a report compiled this year by the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights, Ukraine’s environment in the occupied Donbas territories is being

Kilde: Fake: Luhansk Facing Environmental Disaster Because Of Ukrainian Military Deforestation