Fake: There Is No Ukrainian Independence, No Achievements in 26 Years

Russian pro-Kremlin media generally roll out a larger than normal amount of fakes to mark Ukraine’s August 24 Independence Day holiday. This time Russia’s state news agency RIA Novosti decided to question the very essence of Ukrainian independence, in an “analytical” article filled with manipulation, innuendo and hostility. RIA regular Nyura N. Berg claims that Ukraine’s independence is an empty shell and the country has shot itself in the foot by choosing a pro-Western path. Website screenshot ria.ru Ukraine’s economy without Russia is nothing, Berg writes, resorting to the well-worn Russian propagandist trope about what happens to countries that decide to leave the bosom of Mother Russia. Berg uses traditional Russian propagandist arguments in her article, claiming that Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the European Union will cost the country its fertile black soil, forests and agriculture. Once an industrial giant, Ukraine is fast becoming a village, Berg writes, the country is

Kilde: Fake: There Is No Ukrainian Independence, No Achievements in 26 Years