Moscow Outlet Describes How Russia Should Break Up Each of the Baltic Countries

Castle in Jaanilinn/Ivangorod, currently on the Russian side of the Narva River, which is part of Estonia as per the Treaty of Tarty By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia Arguing that the Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians are more russophobic than any other nation in the world, the Russian propaganda site, SputnikPogrom, outlines how Moscow must work to split up the three countries into smaller units dominated by ethnic and linguistic minorities to put them on course for reabsorption into a Russian empire. The 3500-word unsigned article entitled “How We Will Reorganize the Baltic Region” is one of the most detailed offerings of its kind, something intended to support Moscow’s claim that the three Baltic countries are not full-fledged states and to sow fear and division in each of them ( The article begins with a broad attack on the three: “The Balts to this day,” it says, “are conducting an ethnocide against the

Kilde: Moscow Outlet Describes How Russia Should Break Up Each of the Baltic Countries